These are brand new Demon RBA coils (Re-Buildable Atomizer) A commonly held opinion in the vaping community is that RBA's produce purer and more intense flavor than any other method of vapourising. Thus, RBA's represent the gold standard against which all other types of atomizers are measured. These coils now come with a FREE pack of 5 Organic Japanese cotton worth £1.99 !!!
Demon Hive : 10 x Prebuilt Demon Hive RBA coils 0.5 ohms Kernel 30GA A1 x 2 Wrapped 30GA A1 x 2 Demon Clapton : 10 x Prebuilt Demon Clapton RBA coils 0.5 ohms Kernel 24GA A1 Wrapped 32GA A1 Demon Quad: 10 x Prebuilt Demon Quad RBA coils 0.36 ohms Kernel 28GAA1 x4 Wrapped 0 Demon Juggernaut : 10 x Prebuilt Demon Juggernaut RBA coils 0.35 ohms Kernel (32GA + 38GA) x 2 Wrapped 0.1 x 0.5 Demon Flat Twisted : 10 x Prebuilt Demon Flat Twisted RBA coils 0.36 ohms Kernel 0.2 x 0.8 Flat Wrapped 0.2 x 0.8 Flat Demon Alien Clapton : 10 x Prebuilt Demon Alien Clapton RBA coils 0.45 ohms Kernel 320GA A1 Wrapped .03 x 0.8 Flat
Age Restrictions : NOT FOR SALE TO UNDER 18s